Si svolgerà a Procida dal 26 al 29 marzo l’ottava edizione dell’ISUR, l’International Symposium on Underwater Research, convegno di archeologia e ricerca subacquea organizzato annualmente dalla GAMA-General Association of Mediterranean Archaeology (l'anno scorso fu a Wroclaw-Polonia, due anni fa ad Antalya in Turchia). L’incontro – rende noto nel suo blog l’archeologo subacqueo Michele Stefanile - si terrà presso la sede della Scuola per l’Alta Formazione dell’Università di Napoli "L’Orientale". Relatori e uditori da Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Turchia, Polonia, Russia hanno già dato una preadesione; per il programma completo, però, occorrerà attendere il primo marzo e la chiusura della Call for Papers - Call for Posters.
The University of Naples "L'Orientale", with GAMA - General Association on Mediterranean Archaeology and DAN - Divers Alert Network organizes and promotes the 8th International Symposium on Underwater Research. The Symposium is scheduled to be held on March 26-29, 2014 in the fascinating island of Procida (Gulf of Naples-Italy). It aims to foster interaction among all concerned academicians, practitioners and researchers from different disciplines working on underwater sciences and research. Furthermore, it is anticipated to provide a platform for exchange of scientific and technical information and experiences among participants.
The University of Naples "L'Orientale", with GAMA - General Association on Mediterranean Archaeology and DAN - Divers Alert Network organizes and promotes the 8th International Symposium on Underwater Research. The Symposium is scheduled to be held on March 26-29, 2014 in the fascinating island of Procida (Gulf of Naples-Italy). It aims to foster interaction among all concerned academicians, practitioners and researchers from different disciplines working on underwater sciences and research. Furthermore, it is anticipated to provide a platform for exchange of scientific and technical information and experiences among participants.
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