mercoledì 3 agosto 2022

XXI INQUA Congress "Time for change" - 14-23 luglio 2023 - Università La Sapienza

The XXI INQUA Congress "Time for change" will take place at the Sapienza University in Rome between 14 and 20 July 2023. The Congress aims at gathering scholars from different fields of the Quaternary sciences to improve and disseminate knowledge on current societal, environmental and climate challenges.

We would like to draw your attention to the following session: Session 138 - Wet Environments and Human Communities: Interaction and Resilience in the Holocene and Antiquity.
(Scientific Theme 3A: Geological and climate forcing on ancient societies and feedbacks)

Conveners: Simon Stoddart, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, (lead convener) / Andrea Babbi, Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council of Italy (ISPC-CNR), Italy; Leibniz- Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums (RGZM), Germany / Alessandra Celant, Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, Italy /  Paolo Maria Guarino, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Italy / Mauro Lucarini, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Italy / Fabrizio Michelangeli, Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, Italy

INQUA commission(s): HABCOM-Humans and Biosphere


The reciprocal and supporting relationship between past societies and water bodies has marked a long-lasting process of co-evolution, determining complex water–environment–people interactions with direct effects on social complexity, scale and organization, as well as on the rise and decline of ancient communities. Lakes, ponds, marshes, swamps, wetlands, lagoons, springs and rivers are vulnerable and changing environments prone to rapid hydroclimatic variations and recurrent ecological changes, affecting societal dynamics and development. These natural archives offer a unique opportunity to combine archaeological evidence (domestic structures; production areas/activities; docking facilities; canalization and land reclamation works; settlement fabric; burials; material culture, raw materials; means of transport; hints of exchange, cultural interaction and networking; documentary archives), palaeoecological proxies (pollen, carpological and anthracological remains, phytoliths, diatoms, ostracods, chironomids, insect fossils, biomolecules, and ancient DNA), and geological records (sedimentary sequences, varved deposits, speleothems, tephra layers). The large suite of evidence supplied by wet environments is fundamental to achieving a holistic perspective on the long-term environmental processes related to both human impact and climate fluctuations, as well as on casting light on the ecological and societal resilience to abrupt changes.


Our goal is to investigate the issue at hand with a landscape and transdisciplinary approach. In a nutshell, we aim at gathering scholars from different disciplines who can address new data and interpretations originating from their own research experience and perspective. By doing so, the participants will constructively share reflections on the topic as well as take advantage of a variety of scientific questions, case studies, theoretical prisms, investigation methodologies and strategies

Abstract submission is open, and the deadline is the 1st of November 2022 at:

To draw up your abstract for either a lecture or a poster, please consider the following:
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English
  • Authors should indicate their preferred presentation mode (oral or poster) Number of words: minimum 250 maximum 350, excluding titles, authors and affiliations Plain text should be used without any special characters No references should be included Graphics will not be accepted

Early career and developing country scientists can apply for an INQUA financial support for conference attendance. The deadline for such application is also November 1st 2022.

By January 2023, i.e. well before the deadline for conference registration, the final decision will be taken on both the acceptance of abstracts and financial support; therefore, we strongly recommend te submission of abstracts. Finally, should the pandemic prevent in-person participation, the organising committee will fully refund the registration costs.

Information on the Congress is available at:

We do look forward to receiving your contribution (oral or poster) in order to set up an informative, transdisciplinary and thought-provoking session! Feel free to forward this message and the attached flyer to colleagues potentially interested in session 138.

Thank you for your kind attention and see you in Rome!

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