mercoledì 18 marzo 2015

Corso per Scientific Diver organizzato dai colleghi del Alfred Wegener Institute e del Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences

Hi PhD-students, Masterstudents and post-dosc, (researchers), In April and June 2015 Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research on Helgoland together with Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg at Kristineberg will give a joint training course for applicants primarily at Master, PhD-student and Post-Doc (or researchers) level in European Scientific Diving (ESD, see the attached announcement). 

The first part will be conducted on Helgoland in April and the second part in June at Kristineberg. We will finish before midsummer. This joint program is a unique opportunity to train scientific diving skills and techniques together with other young scientists and to create an international scientific network of researchers working under water. The course is to a large extent funded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, wherefore we can reduced the course fee, significantly. The ESD standards is recognized in both Sweden, Germany and many countries in Europe to work with Scientific Diving. For more info on ESD standards see

If you want to apply for the ESD training course please do so before the 1st of April. If you have some problems with the entry requirements for the course, or have some other questions do not hesitate to contact the organizers or and we can help you out. Some may be conducted in the intermediate between the two course parts.

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