venerdì 15 febbraio 2019

Archeologia subacquea. La storia di Roma riemerge dal Mediterraneo: 20 febbraio 2019 Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica

Il 20 febbraio alle ore 16.30 l'Antiquarium di Ostia antica ospita Roberto Petriaggi, archeologo subacqueo direttore di "Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea". Con il Direttore del Parco archeologico di Ostia antica, Mariarosaria Barbera, parlerà di archeologia subacquea nei mari italiani e di archelogia navale.

L'archeologia subacquea è una branca affascinante dell'archeologia: dai fondali marini emergono relitti che ci raccontano i commerci e i trasporti dei popoli antichi del Mediterraneo. In alcune circostanze, poi, come nel caso di Baia, i fondali custodiscono edifici e porzioni di città che un tempo erano emerse, ma che il mare nel corso dei secoli ha sommerso. 
Come sempre l'evento è gratuito. Per partecipare occorre prenotare via e-mail all'indirizzo:

mercoledì 6 febbraio 2019

Interview: Chris Jewell, the Somerset cave diver involved in the Thailand rescue mission (by SomersetLife)

The daring rescue of 12 boys and their football coach trapped in a cave in Thailand gripped the world. Chrissy Harris meets the Somerset cave diver who took part in the incredible mission.

Chris Jewell is a 36-year-old computer software consultant from Cheddar. Back in June, however, he left normal life behind to become part of one of the most challenging rescue operations the world has ever known.
Chris was one of a team of British cave divers who risked their lives to save a group of young boys and their football coach after they became stranded for 18 days, deep underground in Thailand’s Chiang Rai province. The members of the Wild Boars youth football team faced certain death during what looked like an unfolding tragedy.

But then, against all the odds, came the images of the boys being brought out of the flooded cave network one by one, thanks to the heroic efforts of Chris and a crack team of highly ... CONTINUE READING TO SOMERSETLIFE

domenica 3 febbraio 2019

5th European Conference on ​Scientific Diving , 24 - 27 April 2019 ​Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ​Sopot, Poland

ECSD5 2019” is the fifth “European Conference on Scientific Diving” organised by the IO PAN Scientific Diving TEAM, in Sopot, first time in Poland
Conferences of this series were originally initiated by the European Scientific Diving Panel in 2015 by combining “The Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems" and “The International Symposium on Occupational Scientific Diving" into one general meeting held once a year. 
The intent of ECSD is to provide a large, international forum for presenting the latest research results carried out in Europe using diving. ECSD conferences each time attract European leaders in the field of scientific diving and provide a convenient platform for exchanging experiences, establishing new contacts and future collaboration. Organizers wish to gather a broad group of international specialists as well as to consolidate the Polish scientific diving community (limited to max. 100 people). Participation from Early Career Researchers is strongly encouraged!